Wow multispec class how to#
In group content I will tank/heal as I really got no clue how to do real damage as feral. I mostly just need the feral dps stuff to do solo stuff. Last time I mained a druid was in vanilla. From what I've gathered gear itself is also a lot of scarce in shadowlands, so I guess getting your off spec gear is also going to be challenge. Just wondering how this one relates to that time.

In fact there was a time when it was only about switching your trinkets/rings/weapon. Well yeah, you've always had to make a certain choise which spec to put your main focus on, but there was a time when it was just about switching your gear. Even in this prepatch my warrior moves stuff down way quicker even though the ilvl difference is just 6. So I don't really mind that I have to take a choice which is rather permanent and sacrifice some off-spec performance.Well yeah, you've always had to make a certain choise which spec to put your main focus on, but there was a time when it was just about switching your gear. It usually costs loads of time which I don't always have. I'm probably gonna pick whatever is best for mythic+ as individual performance is more important than it is in raids.īut really, it's not like in any point of time where I played wow that it was really fun and rewarding to play multiple specs. This wasn't updated with the latest changes tho. I think there was a spreadsheet a few months ago that tried to do this by grading each spec/convenant combo with 'bad', 'neutral', 'good', 'best'.

Wowhead shows some guides about the best covenant choice per spec, but what i'm missing is the amount you lose on one spec by focussing on the other and the information to take the middle option and know your at ~90% of optimal on both specs. Reading all the stuff on covenants I do feel it's a bit worse than it was in BFA, but not terrible.