There is simply a flake of snow in my eye. You taught me many things on this journey, and I am proud of you. Traveled across the many realms that lay on the branches of the world tree. You remember these events well, do you not? We killed a dragon. I can’t understand how anyone could listen to the head speak for that long, but people did. The player can control the vision of Mimir, and point to objects on the world map and learn their history. More of a guide to the world we find ourselves in. God of War: Mimir’s Vision (Playstation Mobile Inc.) Not exactly “cool,” as the children would say. I wouldn’t be surprised if the details are hazy. If you remember, this game was your first adventure into these wild lands. I met your dear mother, and sired you, Atreus. God of War: A Call From The Wilds (Santa Monica Studio/Facebook)īut not really … I survived my own suicide and traveled here, to Norse lands. I then killed the only person left: myself. After slaying all the gods and Titans, I met Zeus in single combat and murdered him, too. However, I was betrayed again by the Titans, who were only using me in their plan to kill Zeus. I waged war on Olympus, and with the help of the Titans, I slew Poseidon. Furious, I joined the Titans in a final assault on Mount Olympus. I also came to learn that Zeus was my own father, and that the King of The Gods betrayed me out of fear of my power. Unsurprisingly, it was a violent confrontation. However, I was saved by the Titan Gaia, and tasked to meet with the three Sisters of Fate to prevent my death. I was betrayed by The King of The Gods, Zeus.

This was not a wise idea, but I did not see reason in those days. To vent my rage, I laid waste the the city of Rhodes. Our relationship was “toxic” to say the least. The person I slew was Ceryx, the son of Hermes. I traveled across the lands of Greece, and later committed another murder. This may seem surprising, as there are many murders that I did commit. God of War: Betrayal (sony pictures digital) I just learned the meaning of this phrase, and find that it is apt. I slew the dark god, but my brother lost his life in the battle. I discovered that my mother and brother were still alive, and that Thanatos, the god of death, had captured my brother Deimos. My fans would call it “therapeutic,” though I know not the meaning of the word. I wished to learn more about myself, to dig deeper into my past. I was safe from his scheming, but still my mind was troubled… God of War: Ghost of Sparta (Ready At Dawn) I killed many a monster by cleverly pressing buttons in quicktime events, and using this secret technique I was able to kill Ares and take his place as the god of war. After my ten years of laboring for the gods, I was tasked by Athena to recover Pandora’s Box, which would give me the power to destroy the god of war Ares. God of War was the first game that was made to depict my many deeds and misdeeds. It is here that many would say my quest “officially” began. I discovered that Persephone, wife of Hades, was using the Titan Atlas in order to *sigh* just play the game. One of my greatest labors for the gods was my investigation into the disappearance of the sun god Helios. I did many things for the gods, and I was hardly compensated for my labor. God of War: Chains of Olympus (Ready At Dawn)Īfter thwarting the plans of Ares, I pledged myself to serve the gods of Olympus. Do you wish to know it? Play the game and find out. It was then that I learned the terrible truth about my bond with Ares himself. I was captured by the Furies, hellions from the pits of Hades and tortured without end. In a rage, I broke my blood oath with the god. It was what my fans would call “a dick move”. However, I ran afoul of the God of War, Ares. I served in the Spartan military and won battle after battle. In my youth, I was proud warrior, a conqueror, and a very angry man. I will begin at the beginning, in a distant land known as Sparta… God of War: Ascension (Santa Monica Studio) Here are all the God of War games, in order. And then YOU will go off and create your own legend after we kill this elk. I will tell you of my exploits of when I was a younger man. We have the entire Norse pantheon to kill AND we have to star in a live action movie. Our troubles are many, and our resources are few. The only game you should be thinking of is the ice elk that scampered off into the woods while you were talking. If you do not keep silent you will scare away our prey. Why do you trying my patience with such frivolous questions? We are in the middle of a hunt.