
Degrees to utm coordinate converter
Degrees to utm coordinate converter

When the data is enterd in a mode, the results are shown in the other mode. UTM - Latitude / Longitude Converter (WGS84) The Geoplaner converts UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) and Latitude & Longitude coordinates.


Explanation & Verification You may input the data in Decimal Degrees or in Degrees Minutes & Seconds. Unfortunately, while many other Languages have arctan functions that have "numerator" and "denominator" inputs to handle the case of zero denominators. Convert Geographic Coordinates to UTM & Viceversa. If the numerator is positive, then the arctan value is pi/2, while if it is negative, the arctan value is -pi/2. It handles all forms of latitude and longitude (degrees, degrees minutes, degrees minutes seconds) as well as UTM coordinates and will convert from any form to. You can also download an application for more options - Download App Hint: Use the TAB key to move around the input boxes quickly. ETRF89 GPS, UTM and Irish Grid) and vice-versa. Note that LabVIEW's arctan function needs to be supplemented with a "guard" for a zero denominator. Convert data from one of the four standard co-ordinate systems (e.g. Latitude = arctan (Z / sqrt(sqr(X) + sqr(Y)) Longitude = arctan (Y/X) (note that the arctan is defined even if X = 0) (like 37 23.516 -122 02.625, but its flexible) Decimal Degrees (WGS84) Latitude. Furthermore, as long as all of X, Y, and Z are not all zero, these equations can easily be inverted:

degrees to utm coordinate converter

Note your equations, given R, Latitude and Longitude, any values of these quantities will give finite values for X, Y, and Z. The equations you've cited are the relationships that allow you to convert between Cartesian coordinates (X, Y, Z) and Spherical Polar Coordinates (Radius, Latitude, and Longitude, usually expressed with the Greek characters rho, theta, and phi).

Degrees to utm coordinate converter